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© Portinos Agencia Digital

Visual Hosting

A site based on design and user experience

For most people, a company that is not easily findable on the Internet ceases to exist. Yet, it is also true that by simply appearing in search results our job is finished. That presence has to be both professional and well-presented.

Keeping such a basic idea alive, as was mentioned before, is a key element to differentiate oneself from the rest, especially during the buying process. Designing a site according to our target audience is paramount and, in the case of Visual Hosting, there was a concrete need: renew and incorporate new online functions.

Visual Hosting is a company that provides IT services such as hosting, housing and VPS. It’s a vastly competitive area, not only at a national level, but internationally, as well. Thus, it’s imperative to develop a “plus” that collaborated to perform better amongst competition.

In order to respond to that, and as part of the action plan, an online quote generator, which allowed clients to obtain a quote beforehand over a personalized service, was designed.

Accordingly, within the strategy, actions were planned based on the Good-Better-Best trinomial, following the premise of always providing a wide variety of options to the client, so the election can be made having understanding each service’s benefits accordingly.

Our proposal included creating a section called “Other Services”, so Visual Hosting can offer the rest of their provided services in a fashionable matter without meddling with the main products’ protagonist (Cloud VPS / Housing).

The website was translated into different languages such as English and Portuguese, in addition to Spanish. It also has a news blog to provide information and relevant content not only regarding the company, but also about technology, tendencies and updates regarding the tech world. Finally, we further developed other pieces such as newsletter design and redacting a series of notes for the press segment.

An online quote generator was designed which would allow customers to get a quote beforehand.