Arroyo Vega
Detail above all
The city of Buenos Aires undergoes different processes of transformation from which we are all part, either consciously or not. Each one of them provides small traces that form a new identity. In this way, new technologies have an important role to play and therefore, the government of the city of Buenos Aires chose us to record the construction that will represent a significant improvement for thousands of neighbors, which could well be our own.
Color images were registered inside and outside the tunnels, merging them with 2D and 3D animations.
Game on!
In order to get close to the citizens, it was necessary to tell a story. As Game of Thrones and the last Transformers movie filmed takes you inside the world’s most famous tunnel of trees in Ireland, we did our own in the heart of the Porteño’s neighborhoods.
The construction’s objective is to improve water drainage of the Arroyo Vega (Vega Stream), whose basin has an extension of 1,712 hectares y affects 312k neighbors of the Belgrano, Colegiales, Villa Urquiza, Villa Pueyrredón, Parque Chas, Chacarita, Agronomía, and Villa Devoto neighborhoods. Reinventing urban infrastructure is one of the pillars of any resilient city.
We in Portinos are more than familiarized with audiovisual language yet understood that developing a hydraulic tunneling plan needs other type of language, one more complex.

Word and image: searching for the significant power.
In order to find our driving force, even if the phrase is “a picture is worth a thousand words”, we decided to give a visible voice to each of the project protagonists. Once the meetings with the Ministry of Environment and Public Space were over, interviews were coordinated, not only with local engineers, but with the city government and World Bank members. At the same time, in order to obtain reasonable explanations about which parts of the city were involved and affected by the construction, color images were registered inside and outside the tunnels, merging them with 2D and 3D animations.
Each one of these proposals pretends to geographically locate the user and favor global processing of information in a graphic and eloquent manner. Audiovisual content was, as well, part of the 2013’s pre-electoral communications among two other high quality productions which implicated photography montage and sound editing.
As of today, the hydraulic plan is on the second stage of production, so other city neighborhoods can experience a solution for the flooding problem.